A physiotherapist has specialized itself in musculoskeletal injuries and the rehabilitation that comes with it. We have knowledge of every joint and muscles of the body to create a programme fitting for any individual. Every individual thinks different and is build different, therefore it is very important that a fitting rehabilitation programme is put together that fits YOU best. Due to the wide range of different patients we see in our practice and our experience, we are capable of doing this.
We can help you with:
- Relieving your pain.
- Being able to practice your sports again.
- Becoming fit after a surgical intervention (such as a cruciate ligament rupture).
- Stay fit on longer terms.
- Teach you how your body works and what it tells you.
Physiotherapy in the Netherlands
Hi! My name Martijn Gielink, I am 23 years old and work as a physiotherapist at My Medical Centre. I did my physiotherapy course at THIM, an international school for physiotherapy. Since I began the course, up until now, I started to notice that the Dutch physiotherapy system differs from other countries. I have come to the realisation that many internationals living in the Netherlands are not aware of the Dutch standards of physiotherapy and what it has to offer. It is upsetting as there is a large international population in Utrecht. Therefore I think it is important that these people get some more information and an insight in the Dutch physiotherapy world. I want to contribute and create more awareness for what physiotherapy in the Netherlands is all about.
I would like to give you the opportunity to sit down with me and have a chat about this. If you have any present injuries or other questions about your musculoskeletal system, I will be glad to give you a check up, free of charge. This way I hope to give you a better understanding of what we physiotherapists do.
Down below you will find a contact form where you will be able to request a consult with me.
I am looking forward seeing you in my treatment room!